Alconbury 3rd grade READO card
Monthly Projects
September Activity - Students are to complete a Brown Bag Book Report. The report is due on .... Students will present their reports the following Friday, Sept 28.
October Activity - One of our goals is to increase non-fiction reading in and outside of the classroom. For October, students are to complete a science book report. They may choose a reading passage from magazines, books, and kids science websites. The report is due on...
November Activity - After discussing the difference between right there and thinking questions, students will practice with a partner. For this month, they will complete a Buddy Reading Project. This can be completed in class - provided students complete their agreed upon reading assignments before each class day. This project is due on ...
December Activity - In Math we've studied and made different types of graphs, while in Social Studies we've been learning how to read the information graphs provide us. This month, students are to locate a graph in a newspaper, magazine, or on the internet (Times for Kids, National Geographic for Kids) and use their knowledge of graphs to identify non-fiction features and then explain what information it is providing. Due on ...