Hello All, It looks like we are now a finely tuned oiled machine and have worked out tech problems. As for my lovely meme today, who knew that staying home all day could be exhausting? It just goes to show how our minds and bodies need to be stimulated. I wonder how many students are actually sick of playing video games? I'm tired of reading! Even the things we love must be done in moderation. So my usual sinus infection of the year has reared it's ugly head. It typically kicks my chronic bronchitis into gear but I don't want to go to an urgent care because I'm anxious about the other sick people who might be in the room. I can't be irrational though, so I'm giving it a couple of days to see if over the counter medications work to battle my sinus issues and we'll go from there. In the meantime, I'll make sure that the assignments that were due this week are graded by Sunday night. I've been pretty good about getting it done as efficiently as possible but as you can see...I'm dog tired. |